
Few years ago, I received a large quantity of magazines just before they would have thrown away. As I was looking into the magazines, I have discovered a whole world of pictures full colours, beautiful textures rich and very colourful. I have started to cut and glue founding myself that I can't stop. discovering infinite richness of shapes, figures and structures all full of colours. With that richness I managed to create work of art with the help of scissors and glue. My work is very personal, my thoughts and my feeling.

קרא עוד  

Art photography

In my photography I try to capture the beautifully things that are very close to us, but we don't pay attention to them. I explore details textures and especially colors. My photographs range from flowers and blossom to windows, doors and markets, and they are part of the landscape of my home and my country.

shosh gorlovetzky

I was Born in Argentina, and came to Israel in 1974 I study art, paint, ceramics, digital media and photography. I had a B A in literature and a master’s degree in art history, (Tel Aviv University.) I have tree kids and I am member of Kibbutz Gadot in the Upper Galilee